General medicine

Several courses of the General Medicine study programme are taught at the

department. Students of the 1st faculty of medicine of the Charles University should find some basic information here. For any detailed information please contact Bc. Petra Šmejkalová (coordinator) or dr. Josef Kořínek (head of the training).

Organization of teaching

Designated Head for English taught courses:

assoc. prof. Josef Kořínek, MD, PhD (alternate: MUDr. Michal Širanec and MUDr. Martin Válek, Ph.D.)

Office hours (by prior agreement): study coordinator office, 1st floor, entrance A14b (next to the Eiselt hall) on Thursday every even week from 8:10 to 8:25 a.m,

contact: archives – 1st floor (phone: 22496 2607)

Administrator for English taught courses:

Bc. Petra Šmejkalová

contact: archives – 1st floor (phone: 22496 2607)

3rd year - Propedeutics in Internal Medicine (B80632)

Students allocated to the 2nd Department of Medicine will meet in the Eiselt hall (building A14, entrance B, 1st floor) on the first day of clerkship, during the introductory lesson you will be provided with important information and you will be divided into several groups.


The Internal Propedeutics course takes place in the 3rd year, winter semester; consists of lectures and internships and is completed with an exam.

The lectures are held on Wednesday from 12:45 to 14:15 in the lecture hall of the 3rd Internal Clinic (U Nemocnice 1, mezzanine, entrance from the main staircase), the schedule of lectures is available on the webpages of the 3rd Medical Department.

Internal Propedeutics internships take place at the wards of internal clinics Monday-Thursday from 14:30 to 16:45, the schedule of the study groups into internal clinics is provided on the webpages of the 3rd Medical Department.

To participate in the internships, a white coat and a phonendoscope and a visually-mounted student card are required.

The credit is given by the teacher during the last placement of the subject.

The exam is held in the winter semester

Credit and exam of Internal propedeutics

The condition for passing the exam is the credit which the student obtains on the basis of a sufficient attendance and compilation of the medical record with the following parts:

1. Patient´s history

2. Physical examination

3. Conclusion (based on symptomatology): formulation of the conclusion will not be perfect because students can not have the necessary knowledge in the 3rd year. The intent is to make the students prepared to include this part in a medical record from the beginning. Medical record is compiled by the student repeatedly throughout the semester and is supervised by the teacher. It is advisable for the student to process at least 3-5 of these exemplary medical histories during the propedeutic education. In such a case, it is not necessary to prepare another medical record for granting of the credit, and the teacher confirms by the signature that the student's ability to compile the medical record has been verified. It is not necessary to bring the medical record to the exam, it is a condition of granting the credit.

Attendance: participation in internships is mandatory. It is possible to tolerate 1 absence (1absence means 1 internship). In case of multiple absences, it is necessary to excuse the absence in writing to the tutor. If the student is absent for more than one internship, he / she is obliged to replace the traineeship with a different study group upon prior agreement with the tutor. Replacement internships will only be tolerated in exceptional cases.

Examination of internal propedeutics

1. The exam will take place at the clinic where the student has completed the internship.

2. The exam will take place by selecting one pair out of 25 questions.

3. The first of a pair of questions devoted to a certain part of the physical examination will be performed at the patient's bed. Students should demonstrate to the examiner the ability to perform the physical examination on a selected patient. Each student in the group of examinees should perform part of the physical examination under the supervision of the examiner. The area of investigation does not necessarily have to respect the topic of the selected question, especially in the case of overlapping topics.

4. In the theoretical part of the exam, the second question from the pair will be answered.

The discussion of the first question the student has practically performed at the bed can be completed.

5. The student will describe the ECG curve selected from a set of five exemplary, completely basic ECG records.

6. Special emphasis will be placed on the physical examination. The student should demonstrate to the examiner the ability to practice part of the physical examination.

7. The examiner evaluates the student's overall performance by a grade.

The lack of practical skills at least on a "good" level is a reason for repeating the test even with satisfactory theoretical knowledge.

Preparation for the internal propedeutics test:

1. The preparation takes place continuously during the winter semester within the framework of teaching propedeutics. Internship teachers must stimulate students to practice propedeutic skills as much as possible - during the internship at the bed, it is necessary to minimize the substitution of theoretical instruction and, on the contrary, to use the majority of time for

the examination of patients.

2. It is desirable to teach the course according to the syllabus of the subject and to copy the lectures from internal propedeutics thematically.

3. It is also advisable for students to write out medical history continuously throughout the semester and a proportional part of physical examinations that they already obtained in the course to control the ability to classify and combine anamnestic data.

4. Getting knowledge of reading the ECG record. As part of internships at a patient´s bed, it is important to systematically practice the evaluation of ECG recording so that the student can reliably manage the description of the physiological curve and the most common pathologies.

Documents for preparation for the internal propedeutics test:

1. The basic material for study is the textbooks of propedeutics:

  • Chrobák, Ladislav, Gral, Thomas, Kvasnička, Jiří. Physical examination in internal medicine. Praha: Grada, 2003, 239 s. ISBN 978-80-247-0617-7.

  • Epstein, Owen. Clinical examination. Edinburgh: Mosby, 2003, 424 s. ISBN 0-7234-3229-5.

  • Bickley, Lynn S. Bates' Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health; Eleventh Edition, 2013, 994 s. ISBN 9781609137625.

2. Sample medical record and exemplary physical examination

3. The syllabus of the internal propedeutics, which defines the scope of knowledge and skills.

The students perform the exam of the internal propedeutics at the clinic where they have completed the internship. A designated teacher of a specific clinic is responsible for all matters which are related to organization of the exams.

Propaedeutics in Internal Medicine exam questions

4th year - Introduction into Cardiovascular Medicine (B82105)

Basic information about the course

Surgical course weeks consist of practical education 5 days/week (Mo - Fri) from 8.30 till 12.00. 

Student´s rotation schedule for practical education will be available at secretary office of 1st Surgical Department in first day of surgical course or on SIS.

2nd Department of Medicine cooperates in the teaching of 4th year students within the compulsory internship at Department of Cardiac Surgery.

Introductory lesson and information for the week on Department of Cardiac Surgery

At the Department of Cardiac Surgery teaching will take place every morning.

In case you need additional information about this internship, please contact the chief assistant for the 4th year (prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Lindner, CSc. ) or the secretary (Mrs. Rybáčková; ).

Teaching at 2nd Department of Medicine

On Tuesday teaching will take place at 2nd Department of Medicine (Seminary room of the 2nd Dep. Med., building A12, 1st floor, entrance A12b, mezzanine above outpatient clinic for heart rhythm disorders) as follows:

  • Tuesday schedule

    • 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. the seminar "Introduction, anamnesis, physical examination"

  • For the practical part of teaching it is important to wear a white medical coat, name tag, phonendoscope

5th year - Cardiovascular Medicine (B83007) and Exam in internal medicine (B81399)


Most of the seminars and lessons have been converted into a distance form. You can draw theoretical knowledge from the teaching materials provided in the course Cardiovascular Medicine in Moodle and from the recommended study literature. Lectures placed in Moodle are provided with the spoken commentary by individual lecturers or prepared with possibility to understand the theme without spoken commentary.Viewing these lessons is a mandatory condition for obtaining credit. Some questions in the final test are asked based on the knowledge gained from these lessons

Internship and rotation

Internships take place according to the current capacity of the department according to the schedules located in the detail of the subject in the SIS.

Teaching outside of GUHP

Every Thursday internship at one of the following places according to the schedule:

  • Na Homolce Hospital

    • Arrival at 8:15 a.m., intership start from 8:30 a.m.,

      it is necessary to have the student card with youand also to prove a medical examination in official records

  • IKEM

    • Intership from 8:00 a.m (1st and 2nd group) or from 9:00 a.m. (3rd and 4th group)

    • The division does not have to correspond to the groups for internships in GUHP, the size of the groups and their distribution is determined directly by the department in IKEM.

    • It is necessary to have your own locker.

  • III.Internal clinic VFN

    • Intership start at 8:45 a.m.

      In front of the seminar room (entrance A10, 1st floor, direction department C), where the further course of the lesson will be specified

  • II. Surgical clinic - Cardiovascular surgery

    • Intership starts at 8:00 a.m.

      Entrance A2, IV. floor, meet in front of the auditorium

Every Thursday and Friday the internship is prepared for one group in the Simulation Center of the Institute of Physiology of the 1st Faculty of Medicine.

  • Arrival at 8:45 a.m., start of the internship at 9:00 a.m., Albertov 5, Prague 2

Exact addresses, places and schedules on the notice board in front of the lecture hall and in the subject detail in the SIS.

Credit conditions


1 absence is tolerated. Any further absence is possible only by individual prior agreement in clearly justified cases.

Viewing the teaching materials provided in the course Cardiovascular Medicine in Moodle.

To successfully complete the course is required to complete the test in on the last day of your course. The test will consist of 75 questions (5 random questions from each topic of the seminars, the most will be 4 variants of answers, of which only one is correct), you have approx. 1 minute to answer each of them. To successfully pass the test, it is necessary to answer at least 53 questions (70%) correctly.

Syllabus Cardiovascular Medicine (B83007)

Cardiology course takes place during 3 weeks of summer semester in the 5th year; consists of lectures and internships. The course is completed with the credit based on activity and participation in lectures and ward teaching.

Topics of lectures and seminars:

• Arterial hypertension

• Heart failure

• Bradyarrhythmias, pacing and resynchronization therapy

• Tachyarrhythmias, ablation therapy, anticoagulation therapy

• Peripheral vascular diseases

• Vein diseases, pulmonary embolism

• Circulatory failure, cardiopulmonary resuscitation

• Ischemic heart disease – acute and chronic forms, complications

• Valvular diseases

• Pericardial and myocardial diseases

• Cardiac surgery

• Vascular surgery

• Congenital heart diseases

• Cardiovascular prevention

• Pulmonary hypertension

To receive the credit the must be fulfilled following conditions: attendance, selfstudy and 70 % correct answers in the test of Cardiology / Angiology, which will take place on the last day of the course. Furthermore it is mandatory to wear clean white coat, appropriate shoes, stethoscope and student identification card.

The basic material for study is the textbooks:

J. Larry Jameson, Dennis L. Kasper, Dan L. Longo, Anthony S. Fauci, Stephen L. Hauser, Joseph Loscalzo. Harrison's principles of internal medicine. 20th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2018

John R. Hampton: The ECG Made Easy, Churchill Livingstone 2003, ISBN: 0443072523

(Jiří Kolář - Kardiologie pro sestry intenzivní péče Praha, Galén 2009)

Exam in internal medicine (B81399)

Student is admitted to the exam only in case he/she received all 7 credits from internal medicine (cardiology, gastroenterology, endocrinology and metabolism, pulmonary diseases, nephrology, rheumatology, hematology).

Internal Medicine exam questions

Cardiology for Erasmus students

Cardiology course for Erasmus students takes place during 3 weeks of winter semester; consists of lectures and internships and is completed with the credit based on activity and participation in lectures and ward teaching.

The specific program will be communicated to students during the introductory lesson, students will receive the schedule of the course from responsible person of Department of Science and Research and International Relations First Faculty of Medicine during enrollment on the subject.

6th year - Internal Medicine Practice before State Examination

The three-week Clerkship before State exam in Internal medicine takes place in the morning in the inpatient wards of Departments of Medicine. Allocation of students to the Departments will be posted in the 1st Department of Medicine.

Students allocated to the 2nd Department of Medicine will meet in front of Eiselt hall, during the introductory lesson (first day of clerkship) you will be provided with important information and you will be divided into several groups.

IMPORTANT: White medical coat, name tag, phonendoscope, slippers ARE NECESSARY.

Elective subject - Cardiology elective (B82983)

The aim of new course Cardiology elective (summer semester) is case based teaching of cardiovascular diseases. The whole course will be organized as rounds with experienced mentors who would choose interesting cases of cardiovascular diseases. Students will take the patient history and do physical examination under the supervision of their mentor and then the specific case will be discussed. The focus will be on differential diagnosis, methods and also possible therapeutic possibilities for each particular case. Alternatively, part of the teaching will be performed in several diagnostic laboratories (cathlabs, echolab etc) of our department. Every practical (rounds) will be unique due to the spectrum of at that time hospitalized patients, thus every week there will be a new disease case. This course is not meant to replace standard cardiology course that is organized by our department during the 5th year. But rather to be a complimentary teaching which should help the students to develop superb clinical skills and thinking. The teaching will be performed in maximally interactive way, therefore the students are expected to be very proactive. Due to various cases which will be discussed there will not be exact syllabus ahead of course and the program will be adjusted according to present patients at the department.

The teaching will take place at the 2nd Department of Internal Medicine every Tuesday from 14:30, students will be met in front of the Eiselt Hall before every lecture.

Poslední změna: 8. říjen 2024 12:40 
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